Friday, October 5, 2012

The Big Question

I know, I know, it took me this long to get to the BIG question...
I have been struggling with my own big question of where is that answer for one of my assignments due tomorrow? I wish I could go to the mall and buy some more brain power but I digress when putting off things. I used to shop, now I am writing a blog!

So back to the question at hand. What is Homeopathy? Some of you might already know that answer, for those that don't; it's a holistic way of medicine that I wish to share with you.

I was first introduced to Homeopathy when visiting England, about 20 years ago. Strangely enough, recently I found my way back to it. Albeit, I was looking for something new to dig my teeth into. I found a school referred to as LASH (Los Angeles School of Homeopathy) and researched it. Then I found a Classical Homeopath for myself. She helped restore my Vital Force which might have been missing my entire life. I for one, have seen the power of a Constitutional Remedy. Just know, for whatever reason, it's a good one! Now, to study it and become a Practitioner. So crazy as life goes, I am here, writing a blog to my friends and family about 'What is Homeopathy'. Sure was a big bite my teeth dug into, non?
I think it's best to put here partially in my own words what I believe Homeopathy to be, however constantly referring to the Yasgur's dictionary (and other sources) to make sure I don't lead you astray. It could be a long lesson but that's what my studies are for.

Homeopathy is a holistic therapeutic medical science based on the teachings of Hahnemann. It is used to treat ill persons (including animals) and or, inherent constitutional problems, by using minute dosage of a potentized substance. This is done by applying the "like cure like" principles with substances that can be from the plants, animal or mineral kingdoms specially made. Kind of like the idea of "hair of the dog", most of us know that right? Single remedy, law of similars, and minimum dose are the principles on which Classical Homeopathy is based. Homeopathy treats the whole person, not just the symptoms, recognizing that each person is unique.  The purpose of Homeopathy is the restoration of body, returning it to a healthy balance, considered its "natural" state.

Here's a picture of the man who has changed my life:  
Hahneman wrote in the Organon:  "The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles."They say that laughter is the best medicine but I would like to add Homeopathy to that "best" list.

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