Wednesday, February 6, 2013

wednesday's word

ACUTE REMEDY ~ a remedy of particular use in acute conditions or situations, e.g., Calendula for wounds or Bellis perennis for injuries. However, many so called acute remedies can and are used for chronic or non-acute conditions. It is erroneous to classify remedies as either acute or chronic, for it colors one's thinking and can prevent the correct remedy from being chosen. Yasgur's Dictionary
When I decided on the word acute and looked it up in Yasgur's, I found this definition and thought how cool is that. With Homeopathy, you don't simply put it in one category. It is not in one box, it has broken borders and we can look beyond the lines that define.
My Dad made this box for me. It's not a like anything else I have ever seen and since I rarely have seen my Dad, we have to think outside the box in our relationship. This post is for him! Heres to you Daddy, for your skill and love no matter if it was or is outside the box.
can you think outside the box?

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