My name is Jake, close friends call me "Jakey"... I recently hooked up with Tisha as my homeopath when she came to visit back in September. I could not walk very well, certainly could not climb a step and my tummy dragged close to the floor. I also had several other messy issues with my G.I. system along side a respiratory issue of coughing with gagging periodically. When Tisha began to treat me, I immediately noticed a difference. My eyes are bright and my nose is moist again, lost some weight AND I can walk fast; even run, gallop, climbing hills and chasing younger doggies :). We were told that my sphincter was compromised to the point of being inoperable. My time was limited and I had been in pain. NOW my life has changed. Everything about me is different. I know I am almost 14 years old but I do have a new lease on my dog life.
this is me with my toy
homeopathy shows an animal how to heal naturally
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