Thursday, January 22, 2015

elevator ride

I am still working on perfecting explaining how homeopathy works and most of the time I feel like I lose people in the translation. I am going to review by posting segments of what I am saying in this blog. Audrey, my close friend says I need an 'elevator' statement but I find that almost impossible since health and illness is just not that short a ride.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine expressed by the Latin aphorism, "SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR", or LIKE CURES LIKE;  diseases are healed by agents capable of producing symptoms resembling those found in the disease that is under treatment. A disease for Hahnemann (founder of Homeopathy) consists essentially in a group of signs & symptoms. The proper medicine for any disease is the one which is capable of producing a similar group of symptoms when given to a healthy person which Hahnemann coined a "proving".  That can't be summed up in an elevator ride or can it?
like treats like= simple art of medicine= is that short enough?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Welcoming 2015

Welcoming 2015 with happiness, health and homeopathy ~ upside of best! I have had an amazing year graduating as a certified classical homeopath.  I plan to take an advanced course throughout this year so that I can hopefully pass the national CHC exam. This exam pretty much compares to passing the 'bar' to become a barrister.  My next step will be working on this course: . Thank you to Barbara and Dorothy of HSI for guiding me.
And I want to thank Rose Kauper and Shannon Geerhart, my mentors and friends who have been such amazing cheerleaders to keep moving forward always.

2014 also launched my website providing basic knowledge linking you to my Sea to Sea practice Homeopathy4Healing.
I have shown how homeopathy heals our bodies naturally to more people than I ever thought possible. I am grateful for all those people that allowed me to practice homeopathy with them in the last few years while I studied and to all my cases that I now continue to follow closely; you all know who you are. Thank you as my heart sings every time I hear how your vital health is restored towards homeostasis.

my clients, friends and family

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


My friend & sister, my family. Rest in peace as you have all these 24 years. You always made me laugh and believe in me. I miss you, love you and think about you everyday. As I begin my practice I know each day is dedicated to your life.
a healthful life dedicated to you

Thursday, November 13, 2014


When I first began studying homeopathy I was not thinking about how animals would benefit from homeopathy; how could they if I could not ask them where or how they felt poorly. I recently visited an ole friend and found that he was unable to walk from severe arthritis with several other issues. If I could help people heal maybe I could help Jakey. This is his story:

My name is Jake, close friends call me "Jakey"... I recently hooked up with Tisha as my homeopath when she came to visit back in September. I could not walk very well, certainly could not climb a step and my tummy dragged close to the floor. I also had several other messy issues with my G.I. system along side a respiratory issue of coughing with gagging periodically. When Tisha began to treat me, I immediately noticed a difference. My eyes are bright and my nose is moist again, lost some weight AND I can walk fast; even run, gallop, climbing hills and chasing younger doggies :). We were told that my sphincter was compromised to the point of being inoperable. My time was limited and I had been in pain. NOW my life has changed. Everything about me is different. I know I am almost 14 years old but I do have a new lease on my dog life.
this is me with my toy
homeopathy shows an animal how to heal naturally

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The opportunity to present homeopathy to my client's allopathic physician was the highlight of the last week. Truly a memorable moment when a new homeopath such as myself asks an allopathic doctor to help a case. Working together with an open mind can be effective if we just allow it. I hope more often than not we begin to see this working in our society. I briefly explained how homeopathy works and then explained what I needed from the physician. It could have been daunting as a new homeopath to talk but I am proud of how well I presented my case. I was not nervous and the open reception I received from the doctor was picture perfect.

picture perfect

an open mind

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I have been working on building my website @
along with building a practice in Nova Scotia where my Mother and some great old friends reside. East meets West coast ~ check out my new website when your time permits.

sun set east coast is as good as the west

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Well here is my certificate of completion, the final leg in this part of my journey. I am now officially a Certified Homeopath classically trained:) Finding a great school that had the best program while preparing me for the next leg of my study necessary to pass the national exam was a wonderful choice. Homeopathy School International allowed me to study how I needed to with the support and kindness received, I shall always recommend this school.
Some people have asked me if I will hang a 'shingle', however I plan to also be the Homeopath that makes 'house calls'. Bringing back personal service to health. I am hoping that I can help make a difference in complementary health care healing along side all the other wonderful classical homeopaths already in practice. I know I have a lot to live up to.

Coming soon, a website in the construction zone where my blog will be linked. Some time off to relax from spending every possible moment with my books, desk and homework. So excited, I hope all of you that have faithfully supported me in becoming a homeopath will continue to follow me as I begin to practice and prepare to someday pass the national exams.
Homeopathy School International @