Friday, November 9, 2012


If the world stopped airbrushing our society mentally and physically, we would have a healthy economy. I am not talking about the economy of money. I am talking about the economy of the body, mind and spirit. We would not think everything has to be perfect. Our body imagine would be realistic and our homes would not have to be beyond our means. Our minds would have a chance to relax and grow. This idea that we have to have it all, be perfect, look perfect, and not talk about our issues unless forced does not make for a healthy vital force. Admitting fears, insecurity and issues perceived as weakness is so debilitating. If we could share more and stop hiding our process we would have healthy minds, therefore, having healthy bodies! I say put down the brush, be real, speak up about what bothers you. Let the bad energy go and you will find your peace. The airbrush takes you to the wrong place, a false place and it needs to go away. That being said, I am all for brushing your hair and teeth, clean and simple. That's my rant for this week!
how outspoken I am

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