Friday, November 16, 2012

bone healing

Remember the tale of two chicken bones?  I was going to start a post about a new remedy and then decided to show you the 3 stage process of Symphytum, the remedy used to heal the chicken bones.  It was also one of the remedies in my homework for this month.

Symphytum officinale is the full name of this wonderful bone repair remedy.  I don't feel like testing it on myself. I feel the chicken bone tale should be sufficient as it is not a tale really, as was a true story.
Symphytum is commonly know as comfrey made from a plant and is abbreviated to Symph. for the purposes of a Practitioner. It comes from the Boraginaceae family and it is best known for being a 1st aid remedy for bone knit repair, also indicated where pain persists after the swelling has gone down.
As we call them in class, keynotes; it is the best of the best for the following situations:
Symphytum is known for anti swelling, inflammation properties. It can help to realign bones with a clean break, heals and speeds up knitting of the fractures, decreases pain and trauma to the bone or periosteum, sprains.  Also great for contusions of the eyeball due to a blow or blunt object and cornea abrasions.
How wonderful this remedy can be for phantom limb pain due to amputated limbs.
3 step healing with two other wonderful remedies would be this:
-Arnica montana for pain until swelling goes down
-Calcarea phosphorica to supply body with nutrients to rebuild bone
-Symphytum for aid to realign bones

      miracles in nature are wonderful and wise

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