Monday, December 3, 2012

judge a book by its cover?

Remember when you were growing up and your Mother told you to never judge a book by its cover? I remember it well. I am hoping you do? My Mother was very concerned for us as we were dark skinned and that raised the eyebrows as we lived in a very white community. Funny, how that hood is very different now and a white person is the minority. In becoming a Homeopathic Practitioner we are told; no judgment. Simply, don't judge. I thought that would be pretty easy for me as I wished my whole life that no one would judge me. I had beauty, although I did not see it. I had brains but maybe they were acting in silence. I was a nice enough person so most people would treat me well but I feel I am often considered one way as people judge by the outward appearances of a person so easily until they get to know you. I often wished I was judged by what was inside.
Anyway, the point is, why is it that people judge? What is in a person that feels the need to judge another? Is it because it's a fear they have that a person will be better than who they are? Is it because the different color skin or size is not what you think it should be? Is it because they themselves are insecure and it makes a person feel better to put someone down?  Please tell me what you think in the comment section when your time permits.  I would love to know why it is that a person is judged by his or her cover?
how can we really judge anything if we don't know everything?
judging a person doesn't define who they are but who you are!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post!!!! I think we judge people to make ourselves feel better.

    Its funny how my mom told me that exact same thing growing up (over and over and over and over). Now I know where she got it from ;)
