Wednesday, December 12, 2012

wednesday's word

Rubric ~ are individual entries in the sections of the Repertory. Each one represents a condition that has an importance in finding a remedy, like a thread (commonality). It describes the individual type of condition in a person by listing general, particular or peculiar aspects of the issue or issues. They are displayed in alphabetical order with single or various remedies with its grading system as previously mentioned in a Wednesday's word. 

Rubrics have sub rubrics, sub sub rubrics and or sub sub sub rubrics and so on... I am finally starting to understand how the Repertory seems to work. Lets say you tell me you have anxiety after you drink coffee. I might ask you to talk more about what that feels like or if the time of day matters to you, and any other feelings you have about that subject. You might tell me that you get chilled with your anxiety. I would then look up in the Mind section of the Repertory and under the Mind section, I find Anxiety, and then the sub rubric of this is chill, then sub sub is coffee after, listing the remedies that would help me consider which to choose from that are correct for you. Anyway like I said, I am only beginning to get the hang of it. I hope I am not wrong about how I translated this but it's fantastic. I will correct myself if I find out later I am dreadfully wrong but I do think this would be correct.

rubrics are my rave

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