Monday, January 28, 2013


Aconitum napellus is commonly know as Aconite or Wolfsbane in the family of the Ranuculaceae plant kingdom. This plant is so pretty it's amazing how made into a remedy and taken when properly indicated, can completely help in the situations I mention below! 
Aconite is the #1 Acute Trauma Remedy for fright/shock/panic attack, natural disaster, car accidents situations. When the excitement, anxiety, restlessness, and or fear of death occurs. Symptoms come on as fast as they go away in a situation but leave you unnerved. BUT, Aconite is also great for the fast onset of a cold that I mentioned when I posted about Belladonna. Within 24 hours of onset, Aconite is great to use as your "go to" for the cold that comes on when you did not see it coming. You know when you have been out in the cold and it's biting, or something hits you hard emotionally at the same time and bang, all of sudden you are faced with the high fever, flu alternating with chills and flushed face. You become sensitive to stimuli but still have a vigorous active mind, constricted pupils, your skin becomes dry. Pneumonia with sudden onset, dry croupy cough with thirst and sore throat are all it's possibilities. Remembering Belladonna if the fever gets super high and climbs! 
Next week, Gelsemium for that dull, droop, dizzy cold that keeps you from getting anywhere!
Below, looking at modalities; better or worse specifics that determine if Aconite would be your best choice. Also, the more peculiar symptoms the better in choosing the right remedy.
< worse for warm room, evening or night, lying on left side, hearing music
< worse tobacco smoke
> better cold drinks
> better fresh air
my constitution so far so good for me on the cold front!
 & in memory of a Good Man! 

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