Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

I went to another seminar on the stomach bug remedies last night and Jennifer did yet another wonderful clinic on the latest possibles this year and or whenever you get one! Jennifer really has to have some patience teaching people that might have no idea what Homeopathy is. But here's the thing Jennifer also talked about... We all talk about our illness, our aches, pain, headaches and assorted aliments but who ever says I feel great and have health? Think about it, what if we don't have our health. We don't take responsibility for it unless we have to. Think about how we put off doing everything that is necessary to make ourselves live peaceful healthful lives in our bodies, spirit and mind. How it's the last thing on most people's 'to do' list. Just think about how much better our life would be if we paid more attention to preventative health? Just great your HEART would be if you took the time to treat YOU better. And on that note, I wish you all healthy hearts!
my heart and yours

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