Friday, February 1, 2013

The Lining, the Thread and the Story

You know the lining of a coat when it gets all tattered and worn, the threads get sizzled by the dry cleaner's touch. That to me, is a bit of a visual of how I see most peoples lives. Perhaps some parts of said lining are shiny but we all have these linings affected by so many things; winds of change, pain, joy and memories. The lining is suppose to protect the coat and you. If we can show the true threads, the burnt and the worn that make up you, we can see the whole story of your life. This is how a Classical Homeopath finds your Constitution and rebuilds your vital force, heals you from the inside out. Homeopathy does not change us but helps us live our life stronger, more vibrant than before, with less illness. This is your pre post to the Wound, the Wall and the Mask. Coming soon, a special and unique post for you.
tattered takes time but worth mending the threads

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