Friday, November 2, 2012

to lie or not to lie

The body does not lie, nor do the symptoms.  Symptoms come about from predetermined imbalance.
The Homeopath's process will be to look for the signs of the disease before the disease became apparent. In an allopathic way, suppression is often the first order of treatment.  When we see the arrival of symptoms, or an outbreak, it was possibly stirring for some time.  If we look at the conditions of how disease arrived in the first place before symptoms were displayed, we can treat the whole person rather than just the results of disease.

I think a good example of what I am learning is this:

When things manifest over time, someday, perhaps and not always, your body has had enough, your constitution is worn down, conditions compound and turn into addictions and disease. Homeopathy will fix the disturbances in our bodies in the same way the keys on a piano are re-tuned from the inside, deeper issues to the outer.  A healthy vital force in the beginning with maintenance throughout life is key.  We cannot lie to our minds either.  We want ourselves to be as authentic as possible. Authenticity is what makes our minds, healthy and humane.

"Only the vital principle thus disturbed can give to the organism it's abnormal sensations and incline it to the irregular action we call disease." James Tyler Kent

                              Organism = our body

     It is how we treat the body that can make the difference; with health and recovery in applying a proper method of healing.

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