The panic is increasing. This year’s flu season seems to have come on earlier and with greater virulence than in past years. There is increased pressure on an anxious public to get the flu vaccine. Mainstream medicine has very few weapons to address an illness like flu, so the push for an admittedly limited-effect approach such as vaccine is understandable. Mainstream medicine approaches a flu epidemic as a battle against the pathogen – the virus itself. An integrated or alternative health perspective suggests that only those who are susceptible to the illness get sick; therefore, decreasing susceptibility is the most effective way for preventing illness.
In discussions with my clients about flu prevention I discourage the vaccine, but do not believe that the alternative to getting the vaccine is to do nothing. Taking proactive steps to decreasing susceptibility, and increasing immunity is necessary for preventing illness. Making the wise choice to avoid the unnecessary vaccine means making even wiser choices about your health.
CLICK HERE to read more about alternatives to the flu vaccine including homeopathic protocols for prevention and treatment.
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