Friday, January 4, 2013

Hypericum Perforatum

Hypericum is often referred to as St. John's-wort but when used as a Homeopathic remedy it has been triturated, succussed and potentized; not to be confused with when using St. John's-wort in a Herbal tincture for depression. It is a gorgeous flower, who knew it had such amazing healing properties, it just continues to show me how nature has everything you want within.
In Homeopathy we use the name in Abbreviation regularly as Hyper. It comes from the Hypericaeae family and is a perennis plant. Hyper is best used in remedy form when you have injuries that are nerve related.
Lets say you crushed your finger in the door of your car or you have a puncture wound from an animal or insect. Spasms in your back coccyx area or anything that causes you to feel tingling, burning or numbness due to your nerves. This remedy is super great for cold sore beginnings and also for TMJ issues preventing lockjaw, old ulcers or sores inside your mouth that become oh so sensitive. Think of Hyper if you have shooting pains from a toothache as well and or neuritis of any sort, pain that radiates. Again, another 1st aid remedy but also great for many other things as well. I bought a 36 remedy kit on top of the larger one I bought last year but I must say, it's a cool little kit that travels well if anyone is interested in knowing more about a small blue box. My posts on actual remedies so far have all been the first aids one so it's worth considering having with you or taking on holiday. I hope to continue to show you how well Homeopathy becomes part of my life and hope it becomes part of yours.
pain that radiates, go Hyper!

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